1. How long does delivery take?
    1. Once your payment has been successfully cleared, the order will take up to 7 days to be processed and delivered to you.
    2. Deliveries will only be made to the designated delivery address between 8am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays. No deliveries will be made on weekends and public holidays. 
    3. We will communicate with you should there be a delay. 
  2. Where can I find sizes?
    1. A fit guide is provided along side the product or in the drop-down menu page to help you find the perfect fit.
  3. How does the checkout process work?
    1. Once you are done adding your items to your cart, you then proceed to click the check out button. This will then direct you to the safe interface where you will confirm your personal details as well as your payment details.
  4. What payment types do you accept?
    1. We accept VISA and Mastercard. We also accept Zapper
  5. Who do I contact if I am having difficulty with the website?
    1. Please contact us by phone 031 303 1422, or email hello@jockey.co.za
  6. How do I know if my order has gone through?
    1. You will receive a notification via email to confirm that you have made a purchase.
  7. Where do you deliver to?
    1. All orders are delivered to the address stipulated in your account profile. We will only deliver within South Africa.
  8. How much is delivery?
    1. Our delivery charges vary depending on your location. We also often run free delivery promotions.



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